Tools & Resources

Here you’ll find a curated selection of articles, books, videos, podcasts, and more, organized by subject, that we reference and recommend, including our free guide, “Tap Into The Power of Your Nervous System”. We encourage you to explore these tools and resources and let us know 
which you find most helpful. As always, when you're ready to work 
together, we invite you to contact us.

Tap Into The Power of Your 
Nervous System

Though we live in the modern age, humans still carry some of the psychological and physiological features that kept our stone-age ancestors safe. The autonomic nervous system manages how we perceive the world and interpret stimuli, but it can also be the cause of anxiety and fear.
Download the guide below to learn more about the autonomic nervous system as well as some tips and tricks to help manage its physical and psychological effects.
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Live Well Counseling Center Image Resources Man running towards the sea


Polyvagal Theory & The Nervous System



Relationships & Intimacy

Intuitive Eating, Body Image, Eating Disorders, & Disordered Eating



